Thursday, September 8, 2011

How To Install a Install A downloaded Lot?

How To Install A downloaded Lot?
Well If you are new at downloading houses and lot, and don't know how to install them, this is for you ! I set Up thee screenshots to help, if you got more questions leave a comment 

1.How Do I get started ?: you must enter Edit Town Mode,  find it by clicking on the menu ( the ... ) and choosing Edit Town
2. There are so Many tabs, what do they Mean?:  this one is for you !
3.Ok how do I recognize the house I Downloaded?: 
4.Where to place it? There a lot of Icons:
What now?
So that goes for houses right? What about Community Buildings?:  steps 1,2 are the same, how ever there is something, you need to do befor going to step 3, you must change the lot type first 
check the Community Lot Box, and there you'll find a drob down menu :
If you don't know what to choose, refer to the Download post of your lot, you will find it in the Description

Now You Can Continue with step 4 and 5 lik for houses,
Enjoy !

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